Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring Cleaning: Feng Shui your home and your life


When most people hear the words spring cleaning they feel overwhelmed with the enormity of the project. Let?s face it nobody wants to spend a full day or longer in the house on a beautiful spring day.

However, for those of you who have completed a spring cleaning or even attempted a partial cleaning you can attest that it is the best feeling to have an area organized, to see the counter top or the floor and have some sense of organization in your home ? which translates to a sense of organization in your life.

People often tell me that it feels so good to purge some of the old stuff in their lives. It?s liberating! It?s freeing! And I agree. As you clear things out of your home, whether they are dust bunnies, old clothes you no longer like or fit in to, or piles of paper work, there is a magical feeling to removing them. You are moving out the stress that this clutter or unwanted/unused items hold.

In Feng Shui, there is a saying, less is more. This really means to keep things as simple as you can. It?s not necessary to have every inch of wall space covered with pictures. You can have an empty shelf with just one or two knick knacks on them. That is ok. That is what less is more means.

Shelves do not need to be completely full of all kinds of things. With less, it allows new, positive and fresh energy to enter the space.

So if you are planning a spring cleaning or a spring purging I?ll provide you with a few tips to help you start and stay on target to complete the project.

  • First, it?s great to purge out the old energy to make room for new and excited experiences to enter your life. Before you start create 3 totes, bags or boxes for items that will be TRASH, RECYCLE [somehow ? resale, donate, etc.] and?EMOTIONAL ITEM. When you first begin to sort through items in your home, anything that has an emotional hold on you, don?t attempt to make a decision about it. Just put it in a pile to revisit when you are finished. By removing the items that require no decision first, this will lighten the stress of the task and assist you later when you are dealing with the emotional items.


  • Second, if you are struggling in life financially and not sure what room you could begin your cleaning in, take notes on this bullet. By cleaning out your wealth area first you will be improving your financial situation. So I recommend you start with the back left hand corner of the house, known as the wealth area, based on Black Hat Feng Shui.



If you have a lot of clutter or items in this space that you do not love, than that could be creating the same experiences in your wealth ? stale finances with no new opportunities for money coming in and the same old problems reside. Your life is a mirror image of what you have around you.

  • Third, if you are one of those people who always procrastinate on starting a project, such as spring cleaning, than this process may make it easier for you. I have rave reviews from clients who have used this process.

?It?s my Nine Minute clutter clearing process. So set your timer, your phone, your computer ? anything with a timer and for those 9 minutes focus on one area of your home. Maybe it?s a junk drawer or a spare room or your closet.

In the first 9 minutes remove anything that would be deemed trash. Remove items that you don?t need to make a big decision about. Old magazines or newspapers ? Trash! Old receipts from the store in your junk drawer plus?all kinds of little things you have no need for ? Trash! Maybe clothes in your closet that you didn?t wear last year or don?t plan to wear this year ? Trash, Donate or Recycle.? But start small?you only have 9 minutes.? No stress with 9 minutes.

The most important part of these tips is to use boxes or bags small enough so at the end of the sorting the bag/box is to be removed from the house ? right then. Put it in the car, the trash or in your garage with the recycle items?but move it out of the house and out of your life!

Why Nine Minutes? Most of my clients are busy woman and if I asked them to put 8 hours aside for cleaning that would laugh me out of the room. So, I ask them if they can find 9 minutes ? and the answer 98% of the time is Yes! There you have it!

Most of the time, clients tell me that after the first few times they try the 9 minute process, they are quickly setting the timer for 18 minutes or 27 minutes. This is the point. As you begin to purge items, organize your space, dust away the dust bunnies you are feeling rejuvenated. This rejuvenation then leads you to have more energy about the project.

If you?like the 9 minute process and you?utilize it daily, or weekly, you too will feel the improvements of cleaning out the old energy and allowing the new spring energy into your life!

But most of all enjoy clearing away old patterns in your life, moving out unwanted energy weighing you down and invest 9 minutes to a happier and healthier life.

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