Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spike Lee to Sanford couple: 'I deeply apologize'


This tweet was posted by Spike Lee on Wednesday evening.

Film director Spike Lee has apologized to a Florida couple after he retweeted an address that was described as the home of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who shot Trayvon Martin.

The mistake forced David and Elaine McClain, a couple in their 70s whose home is about four miles from where Martin was killed, to flee to a hotel.

The McClains demanded an apology of Lee, who has nearly 250,000 followers on Twitter.

Technolog: How did Spike Lee get it wrong?

"He definitely owes a big apology," McClain told the Orlando Sentinel. "All this is really scary and it's a shame. There's no reason they put our address out there without checking to see who lived there."

Late Wednesday, Lee made the apology via Twitter, saying he deeply apologized and urged people to "leave the McClain's [sic] in Peace."?

Some Twitter members have been sending Lee angry and often racist tweets in response to his sharing of the address, many of which he has retweeted.

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