Friday, March 23, 2012

Myths About Health Through Reverse Osmosis | All About Health

There exist many myths about health through reverse osmosis. To start off with, it?s important to explain what this reverse osmosis really is. It is in fact a method of filtration that enables ocean water to become drinkable by removing the salt and other substances.

The only advantage of this is that it can make salt water safe to drink. The disadvantages however, are many. The number one disadvantage with reverse osmosis is that it renders the water free of minerals. Some people think that it is water in its purest form. However, water was never meant to be free of minerals. In fact, it is extremely important for individuals to get the minerals from drinking water because they are extremely important to the human body.

Studies have shown that people who drink water stripped of its minerals on a daily basis over a long period of time will suffer from digestive problems as well as become nutritionally deficient. Some of the deficiencies could include tooth decay and bone loss, which could lead to other health problems.

In addition to health issues, it is also an extremely expensive procedure. Moreover, there are other disadvantages that have to do with waste. For instance, in order to acquire 1 gallon of drinking water, up to 5 gallons of water are wasted. So, it turns out to have a negative impact on the environment as well.

Coupled with the fact that it doesn?t remove chemical pollutants, it makes it even more disadvantageous. In other words, there are still hundreds of contaminants that still exist in the drinking water with this process. These contaminants can be bacteria or chemicals. Either way, they wind up in the next glass of water you pour for yourself. In fact, some of these contaminants can even cause death.

The bottom line is that people are always looking for solutions to have better drinking water. We obviously cannot live without this crucial element, but we also have to be careful about the solutions we choose to make it healthier. Turning your water into something that is stripped of all its minerals will only harm you and your loved ones. Therefore, you have to find other solutions that will not only be good for you, but won?t be harmful to the environment either. Anyway we look at it, are earth can only take so much abuse and waste before it really starts to turn on us.


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