Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Outsourcing 411 For Business Owners

Daven Michaels, 123Employee, Outsourcing in the Philippines, Offshore Outsourcing Services, Call Center Services, BPO Services Company, Call Center Services philippines, Philippine Call Center Services, Business Process Outsourcing Services, Outsourcing Company, Virtual assistant Are you thinking of starting your own business? And are you one of those people who say stuff like ?outsourcing huh? Why the hell do I need to outsource when I can do the work myself for crying out loud?? No business owner should EVER expect that his or her business can survive let alone grow to become a world-class establishment if he or she spends most of their time carrying out tasks that would not help the business grow. Why on earth would you go through all that trouble starting a business just have people say ?I told you so!? ? trust me, that is the worst thing any business owner will ever want to hear.

Please understand this, you could be a Mr/Ms Handy Von Know-It-All but there is a pretty good chance that a lot of the business tasks that you plan on undertaking yourself are not your forte ? Translation: It may take you a whole lot longer to get the work done. Taking longer to get tasks done only mean three things:

i. Time consuming
ii. Costs more
iii. Frustration

Time is money, so the sooner you start taking advantage of outsourcing, the better your chances of making profit and watching your business grow.

The question you are of course dying to ask is ?so how can outsourcing help me? And what are the tasks that I should outsource??

First and foremost, outsource those tasks that are necessary but won?t help you grow your business. for example, accounting and bookkeeping tasks have got to be outsourced, let?s be honest, many people are simply awful when it comes to figures, they take a lot of time and energy to get the job done right. For the love of seeing your business grow from an acorn to a great big oak, do the smart thing, outsource your business? accounting and bookkeeping tasks ASAP!

Agreed, you are pretty great at designing a good website but are you good at designing a great website? Appearance is important, No! Very Important!

Do you know that majority of internet surfers immediately navigate away from a website that looks amateurish? Why on earth would they do business with company that has a website that looks like the one done by a 9 year old? Outsourcing your company?s web design makes absolute sense ? this way, your company can stand out from the competition. You might provide the best product and or service, but if your website does not look the part, people will just ignore it and move on.

Good outsourcing firms have helped a lot of businesses grow within a very short time because entrepreneurs who choose to outsource now have the time to concentrate on their core business activities. For instance, why should you spend your precious time writing a compelling ad for your business, where you can pay someone who can do a much better job?

?Isn?t outsourcing a wee bit expensive?? No! As a matter of fact, you can get a lot of work outsourced for a very (very) reasonable cost. With a good outsourcing company, you are sure to save time and money.

Daven Michaels is an award-winning outsourcer and author of the book, ?Outsource This!? Daven has been honored more than any other individual or outsourcing organization. You can get more information on outsourcing by visiting


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