Wednesday, December 12, 2012

5 Common Ecommerce Mistakes to Avoid and Increase Conversion

With more and more businesses aiming to establish a presence online, it is becoming more important for start up and smaller businesses to find ways to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. Before you think about implementing riskier strategies, it is important to check if you have the basics covered. A lot of ecommerce sites make simple mistakes that can affect a customer?s experience with the company, discouraging them from coming back. Here are a few areas to consider and check out for issues.

Common Ecommerce Mistakes to Avoid

Including too many unnecessary elements

Businesses tend to include too many elements in a single page in an effort to provide customers with all of the information they need to make a decision. However, not considering the overall layout can make the web page appear cluttered and confusing. In addition, each aspect of the web page also uses resources. Large files such as images and videos can make the web page load slower, causing visitors to leave the website prematurely.

Using the wrong keywords

Part of the SEO strategy is for online businesses to pick keywords to target and use on their content. Using the right keywords would help companies garner better rankings on search engines. However, a lot of companies tend to use short and common keywords. As there are countless other websites targeting the same keywords, it becomes more difficult for small businesses to establish a good position for those keywords on search results.

Complicated ordering and checkout

Businesses should never assume that all of their customers have the same level of expertise when it comes to using the Internet or that they can patiently fill up long forms. You have already convinced the individual to buy the item. Do not lose the customer?s interest by including too many steps or asking for unnecessary information.

Poor compatibility

Whether your business is targeting a local or the international market, you should not assume that your customers are using the same equipment. They could be using the fastest laptop, the oldest desktop or even purchasing from a mobile device. With all the different types of devices and varying specifications, it is important that your web pages can be viewed even on slower machines or on different browsers. You may also need to include a mobile-friendly webpage for mobile device users.

Broken links

It is not uncommon for ecommerce sites to consist of hundreds or even thousands of pages. Altering the design and not testing the website afterwards can produce missing or dead links, images or features. These can lead to an experience that customers would find unsatisfactory.

Tips to Increase Conversion

Constantly test the design

Testing is an arduous but necessary task when it comes to a large ecommerce site. Each feature, element or page must work as intended. A working website speaks for a more professional company.

Go for a ?simpler layout

Simpler layouts look cleaner and more professional. Remove unnecessary elements that can make navigating more difficult or distract your customers from buying your goods. Keeping the design simple and clutter-free also makes it easier and quicker to load.

Integrate product reviews and testimonials

Ideally, product reviews and testimonials are provided by customers that have already purchased items from the company. They can provide a different perspective on the company and its products or services, which can help customers decide if they want to purchase the item or not. In cases where in a customer was not happy with the product or service provided by the company, how the situation was handled can also be a determining factor for customers.

Provide quality customer service

Make sure that each person that goes through the site has had a good experience. Include contact information in case they have a product question or have other concerns. Posting an FAQ page on the website can help cover questions that visitors and customers regularly ask. You should also consider calling the customer after the purchase was made to ensure that they had a satisfactory experience.

Suggest relevant products

Some customers can buy multiple items at one time. Take advantage of this opportunity by including a list of products that they may also be interested in. Make sure that the suggestions are relevant to the item but not the exact item itself.

Businesses are bound to commit mistakes from time to time. Learning where other companies went wrong can help new businesses develop better websites and strategies to increase conversion rates.

Author Bio:
Bethany Wesch writes about blogging, branding and online marketing. She writes for QuantumLinx - a leading sydney seo company which specialise in providing search engine optimisation services and online marketing.

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