Thursday, November 29, 2012


Her hand trembled as she gripped the arrow that was invisible to the human she loved.
Tears leaked from her eyes as he held her close, and she held the arrow, point first behind his back.
He knew what was coming, but was sure it would seal their fate together. He was so wrong.
Her face stayed blank, her mouth silent despite the tears falling freely from her eyes as she drove the arrow through her love's heart.
It disappeared into him, and he suddenly jerked back. The strong, all-consuming love he felt for her suddenly gone and replaced with impossibly strong hate, he bitterly shoved her away and left her crumpled on the floor, collapsed within herself.

The Archers

Every century or so, there is a a new archer. Archers are a beautifully, shattered, broken, cursed species. As legend goes, an angel was gifted with love. It was impossible for the other angels not to love and cherish the young girl. But she wanted real, undying devotion. She fell in love with a human.

After years of trying, she made me perfect arrow infused with her own blood. Love. If shot, the person and the next person they saw or touched would become soulmates. She shot the human, thinking he would fall in love with her, but it had the opposite affect. She was being punished for being so selfish- because she used the arrow on herself, God made the human reject the beautiful angel's love, and instead fall in love with another human. She rejected God, ripping out her own wings then killing the human and his lover. The only reason the selfish, vain angel didn't kill herself was because she carried his child.

Of corse, she was harshly punished. Her child, and all her descendants were cursed to have the same fate as her. All would be female. Falling in love with a human, shooting them with an arrow, eventually ripping out their own wings and murdering the man they so loved, and giving birth to his daughter and dying in childbirth. And so the cycle repeats, on an endless, bloody, terrible loop.

Eventually, the angels developed. Changed. They were no longer as vain as their ancestor, even though they knew they would face the same fate as her. They had pure souls. They created more arrows, shooting alone, empty souls and filling them with love and light for another human. They worked on angels, too, but not an angel and a human. After all, relationships between angels and humans were strictly forbidden.

But on to our story. The latest generation was different. Twins were born. One male, one female. Both were the most amazing archers seen- with completely equal power. As the female grows, they know she will face the same fate as her ancestors. She will end up as a tortured, lifeless fallen angel. But her brother. . . He very well may change the entire world completely. The twins are extremely close, and he doesn't care about any of that. His biggest question: can he save his sister?

The angel that was caring for them, knowing what would happen, kicked them out. They decided to go to earth, with no knowledge of the human world. They had only their arrows, and the clothes they were wearing. And they were in the middle of London. Not only that, but they know other fallen angels will be looking for them. Earth is a dangerous place for an Archer.
Two humans find them, and decide to take them in. They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. . . .

But these humans are not mere mortals. They believe that they are, though. They had no idea that their father who abandoned them when they were young was one of the highest ranking angels. No other angels know they exist- and they father wants it to stay that way. Other angels being around them would awaken their abilities. They don't know it, but they are definitely a force to be reckoned with. They can manipulate all of the elements. Move entire ocean, burn entire countries, cause devastating hurricanes, all with the blink of an eye.

Angels are already after the two archers, and once they find them with the two half-angels. . . It won't e pretty. They will most likely be killed on sight- the archers know this. The humans intend to leave the city, and go to a small family house in the country. They don't know about who they are or their powers yet, but the twins do. If they can tell them and train them, just maybe they can survive. But even then, they still have to worry about the curse. It is possible that the girl the male twin falls in love with will have the same fate was his sister. There seems to be no way to win. . .
And the curse has already begun to take affect.


-they do have wings, but they only come out when the angel wants them to. They are very sensitive, as well. A broken wing is about equivalent to all your ribs, and both of your legs being broken.

-they all have certain abilities, based of their lineage. If their mother or father had the gift of invisibility, they would too.

-the higher ranking an angel is, the stronger it is.

-fallen angels keep their abilities, but lose their sense of touch almost completely.

-they are immortal, and the only way to kill them is to chop off their head or if they were cursed by God/an arch angel

-arch angels are the highest ranking angels, and their word is law. To go against one would be a death sentence.



The twins

They are very close, and would do anything for each other. They aren't identical, but have the same bright blue eyes that are a little too beautiful and enchanting to be human.

Ian Whiteraven
Ian is older than Lila by two minutes, but he definitely has the 'big brother' thing down. He is fiercely protective and loyal. He is very relaxed and easygoing, although he loves teasing his loved ones.
FC: Paul Wesly (OPEN)

Delilah Whiteraven
Delilah is younger than Ian by two minutes, much to her irritation, and is quite different than him. She is very freespirited and headstrong, often giving her brother a hard time. In all honesty, she loves her brother more than anything and is terrified of what might happen if she falls in love with a human. Like her brother, she is rather naive and pure hearted.
FC: Candice Accola (TAKEN)

The humans

They are siblings. Half siblings, technically, with different mothers, but they grew up together. They fight often, but would never give up on each other. They are orphans and have been through a lot together, and will always stick together. No matter what.
They already feel very attracted to them. . . Like a magnetic pull.

Elliot Thorn
Elliot is very lighthearted, always laughing and making people smile. He is very gentle and caring, and not quite as wary as his sister. He is very playful, and sometimes childish.
FC: Louis Tomlinson (OPEN)

Isabel Thorn
Isabel is very independent. She hates feeling clingy, or being around people too much. She is very wary and mistrustful, due to her past. She has a heart of gold, it's just hard to find it sometimes. (OPEN)



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