Thursday, November 29, 2012

GOP Voter Suppression, Walmart Sucks

No shit?!?! *puts on ?fake shocked face?*. This is crap we already

(No vote for you)

all knew about. But it is always funny when they admit it openly:

?The Republican Party, the strategists, the consultants, they firmly
believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates. It?s
done for one reason and one reason only?we?ve got to cut down on
early voting because early voting is not good for us. They never came
in to see me & tell me we had a fraud issue, it?s all a marketing ploy?
-The former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer

Whoooooopsie! Shit, we all already knew this was a simple fact of

the Republican party. They don?t like minorities, Latino?s, gay?s or

pretty much anyone not a part of Lee Atwaters Southern Strategy

If you don?t know what that is, it?s a racist dog whistle platform to

garner all the southern racist vote without using ethnic slurs. It is

(Fuck you)

where you use words like ?states rights?, or ?food stamps?, or ?tax

cuts? instead of race slurs against the minority group you?re trying

to marginalize. But don?t take my word for it, take Atwaters words

This is the game plan. AGAIN, & I must be very very very clear on

this: not all Republican?s are racist. That is a faulty illogical group

think I do not believe in. However, the racists today are registered

(The asshole)

Republicans. It?s sad, & their party is dying because it was sold to

Lee?s racist Southern Strategy in 1981, & started under Nixon. So

if the party doesn?t change, it will die. It?s already happening now,

the harder they tack right with ?Mitt wasn?t conservative enough?

the quicker they slowly fade into darkness, never to be seen again

They don?t want minorities to vote, period. Because when you do

(Worked for Reagan & Bush)

this election shows you have way more votes. The gap?s widening

Republican?s will never win another national election in 20 years

Walmart Slave Labor Get Burned To Death

A factory making clothing that go to Walmart in Bangladesh. 129

workers died in a fire caused by poor fire safety conditions. WTF?

(RIP poor souls)

What was Walmart?s reaction: ?Meh, must be the slaves labor we

have there but that?s their thing, not ours?. Ohhhhh, so if you did

not do it yourself, it?s still COOL. Now Walmart is saying, ?But we

cut off that factory working on products for us?. Bull fucking shit

During the fire, managers locked the fucking doors, & told them

to get back to work during the fire alarm. Are you fucking serious


Stay classy Walmart. You can run, but you can?t hide from all the

?fun slave labor? or as the Libertarian?s call it ?freedom? & ?liberty?

That ?unregulated freedom? just killed 129 innocent workers??..

And yet, it seems all so lost to the sociopath?s mind. Because they

don?t give a flying fuck about anyone until it?s their ass on the line

(Up yours)

Then it?s always right because they?re different & needed it. Asses!

Have a day!


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