Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dishes We Love: Tonight's TV Dinner - Johnna Knows Good Food

IMG_1081The wintertime would seem like the most ideal time for me to spend time in the kitchen.? hibernating, trying new recipes, combining new spice combinations, the possibilities seem endless, don?t they?? For yours truly, however, the winter is the time when I truly hibernate and thoughts of getting in the kitchen seem less and less appealing.? A delivery from Schwan?s was just what I needed to fan off the thoughts of cooking until I am totally up for it.? Many frown at the thought of frozen entrees but I welcome them with open arms!? This is my version of ?snacking? and I love the idea of simply popping food in the oven and out comes dinner an hour later.

Schwan?s Four Cheese Penne was in order recently after a day that had tried every ounce of patience in my body.? Cooking, though relaxing for me, was not on my radar.? I was in need of a date with my sweats, the couch and the Golden Girls.? Comfort food was also a necessity so I turned to the Four Cheese Penne which excited all my senses and did not cost me any time in the kitchen.

IMG_1085Creamy cheese piping hot in a mixture of crisp penne noodles put me in my happy place.? The dish was missing some of the homemade attributes I would have appreciated i.e. some fresh garlic, noodles cooked to perfection so as not to over cook in the oven.

That?s the thing about ?frozen?:? It makes things easier but you will almost certainly miss the natural perfections of homemade entrees.? On a night like the one described above, however, homemade was not an option.? Schwan?s absolutely fit the bill.



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