Friday, June 1, 2012

The DOs and DON'Ts of Entertainment Area Makeovers

Like many homeowners, I do a lot of thinking about how I can improve my space to make it as guest friendly (and me friendly) as possible. I really like entertaining and, quite frankly, I want people to feel comfortable and enjoy their time in my home. As sparkling and wonderful as my personality is, I realize that my guests expect more than that when they come over and so my space needs to have a personality of its own that attracts friends and family and makes them want to spend time there (would you want to spend weekend evenings in a drab, bland space? probably not, and neither would I). But renovating my space and making it my own is more than just a ploy to get my loved ones to come over more often, it?s also a shift into making the space my own. It?s about creating an environment that reflects who I am, that makes me feel comfortable, and that I can feel confident sharing with others. As a result of all of my thinking, I?ve compiled a list of dos and don?ts for home renovators wishing to vamp up their space and because I always opt for the ?bad news? first, we?ll start with the don?ts.

?#1- Don?t Settle:?Buying furniture for your home is like being a singleton out on the prowl. Just like finding a relationship, don?t settle for something less than what you really want or deserve. One of the biggest mistakes I?ve made in the past is being in such a rush to get it done that I end up settling for second (or third or fourth) best only to later on regret the purchase. Just like Gob from Arrested Development, I?ve found myself saying, ?I think I?ve made a terrible mistake?. So don?t let that happen to you.

?#2- Don?t Be Afraid:?I used to think that the best and perfect pieces of furniture for my home were the ones that I found at big box stores but the older I get and the more intuned I am with my surroundings, the more I realize that sometimes that?s not always the case. Those furniture store purchases are nice, yes, but they?re not made specifically for you. Don?t be afraid to think outside the big box and search for items that are as unique as your personality. Look at thrift stores, on Craigslist, and at local garage sales. Sometimes you?ll find something that you just can?t live without.

?#3- Don?t Be Ordinary:?Along with the second tidbit of advice I have for would be home decorators, I think it?s important to be yourself. Look at the structure of a space or a piece and see if it speaks to you (not literally, after all you?re not crazy). Elements like the color of furniture or walls or the fabric choices on something you find used (which is often less expensive than buying new anyway) can always be changed and don?t hesitate to do just that. Say you find a beautiful wingback chair at a garage sale but the fabric is in less than ideal condition and really isn?t your style. Why not pick it up and find a fabric that you love to reupholster it with? You?ll discover that the options really are unlimited to you when you take the time to make changes on your own.

All that said, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure that your entertainment space reflects your style and creates a warm, comfortable atmosphere for your guests?

?#1- Do Play On Architecture:?Some of the most beautiful and fascinating elements I?ve seen in the spaces of friends and family is the natural ones that exist within a home. If you?re blessed with high ceilings or rustic support beams, incorporate that into the design of your space. Take advantage of the vertical space you have to make a drastic statement within the room.

#2- Do Use Dark Colors:?I?d always been taught growing up that one should use lighter, brighter colors in smaller spaces in order to make them appear larger but as I move forward in discovering more about interior decorating, I?ve noticed that it?s actually the opposite. Dark colors, especially when used as an accent wall, create depth and warmth in a small space that might otherwise seem drab and catastrophic. Not only that but the darker colors are actually more inviting to your guests, especially in areas that are intended for entertainment spaces where you might have home theater seating and accessories set up.

?#3- Do Use Draperies:?If you?re like me, you probably have an unfinished (or, in my case, recently finished) basement or other large space that you?re not sure what to do with. That?s where full length draperies come into play. The benefit to using fabric in lieu of a wall is that it?s not a permanent adjustment to the home. There are a lot of really elegant ways to use drapes to section of spaces. I suggest referring to Pinterest for ideas on how to do this.

?#4- Do Get Multifunctional:?Nothing compares to having furniture that fulfills more than one need, especially when you have small spaces. I suggest purchasing accents that have more than one function. The best piece of furniture that I?ve found for my home is a large trunk that I use as a coffee table. Not only does it help me store things I wouldn?t otherwise have a home for (like board games, dumbbells, etc) but it also helps me with the daunting task of a quick cleanup once unexpected guests arrive. Side tables that also serve as cabinets or cabinets on the walls that also serve as shelves are excellent ways to ensure that you get the most out of your furniture and your home.

?#5- Do Accessorize:?My most recent furniture purchase was?leather theater seating?that I got for my entertainment area downstairs. It was something that I thought long and hard for before buying it but ultimately I decided that a good staple item was worth the purchase. The accessories that I use with my new seating is what helps bring it to life. I purchased an assortment of fabrics that really caught my eye and created large, comfortable pillows for my guests to use while we watch a movie. The best thing about accessorizing existing furniture is that you can change it out with the season, holidays, or if you just feel that you need a change. For that reason, I always recommend that people take time to get little things that help to make a room unique and fun.

#6- Do Mix Old and New:?One of the most wonderful things about having guests over is the ability to share stories about life and the adventures that life has brought you. Mixing old pieces that you found or inherited over the years with new furniture items that promote comfort is a great way to facilitate conversation. I spent some time in India during college and picked up a really fun Taj Mahal replica that?s been sitting in my house since. The first time my friend Niranjan came to visit, he noticed the replica and we started talking about India and the adventures we?d both experienced there. On one of his trips back home, he picked up a few trinkets to add to my collection. Now the pieces live on a shelf above my?home theater seating, on display for friends and family. It?s things like that, the memories you bring to a space, that help to make it warm and exciting. Which brings me to my last word of advice:

#7- Do Stay True to Yourself:?Your space is a reflection of who you are. If someone were to walk inside your home right now, without ever having the chance to meet you, what would they learn about you? Find pieces that make you enjoy your home more. Find furniture and accessories that inspire you. Create a space that you love first and the rest will follow. Chances are, people who are closest to you will love what you?ve done with the place. And finally, enjoy it. Your home is the place you go every night to rest your head. It?s where you go when you need a break from the outside world, to drown out the noise from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Your home is yours and you should love it.

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