Monday, December 31, 2012

Thomas Doty Hoax: Mother Of Man Who Died From Cancer Says ...

Mother of cancer victim on a 'mission' to find scammer

Mother of cancer victim on a 'mission' to find scammer

A Washington mom who says her dying son was the victim of a heartless hoax plans to go after the woman who pledged $250,000 to cover his medical bills but never came through. (15 hours ago)

Dream ?20,000 wedding in New Zealand for mother-of-five with terminal cancer after she was told she has just months...

Dream ?20,000 wedding in New Zealand for mother-of-five with terminal cancer after she was told she has just months to live

Cancer sufferer Sharon Heazle and new husband Mark, from Norwich, splashed out ?20,000 on a dream wedding after doctors said she may only have months to live. (8 hours ago)

Wait for me! Gwen Stefani's son Zuma makes his rocker mother give chase as he tries out his new scooter in Primrose Hill

Wait for me! Gwen Stefani's son Zuma makes his rocker mother give chase as he tries out his new scooter in Primrose Hill

It may of been a Christmas present and from the look on Gwen Stefani's son's face, a scooter was obviously a great choice. (4 hours ago)

Sally Roberts spends first Christmas away from her son Neon due to family rift over her opposition to his cancer...

Sally Roberts spends first Christmas away from her son Neon due to family rift over her opposition to his cancer treatment

Sally Roberts did not spend Christmas day with her son Neon, 7, for the first time as her unsuccessful legal bid has caused conflict with estranged husband Ben. (1 day ago)

Indian gang rape victim who died in hospital 'was due to marry man she was with when she was attacked'

Indian gang rape victim who died in hospital  'was due to marry man she was with when she was attacked'

Neighbours said the 23-year-old trainee physiotherapist had been preparing to marry her partner, who was also attacked on the New Delhi bus, in February. (14 hours ago)

Man allegedly tries to set mother, others on fire

A 43-year-old man in Gloucester Township doused himself, his mother and another occupant of their home with lighter fluid, allowed the house to fill with natural gas, and then threatened to use a lighter and matches to set fire to them all, police said. (13 hours ago)

Mother of 2, grandmother die in crash; man charged

A North Carolina man whom authorities say caused an alcohol-related wreck that killed a mother of two and her mother outside Charlotte has now been charged with involuntary manslaughter and felony death by vehicle. (1 day ago)

Mother of 2, Grandmother Die in Crash; Man Charged

Police: NC man charged with manslaughter, DWI in crash that kills mother of 2, grandmother (1 day ago)

Mother of 2, grandmother die in crash; man charged

A North Carolina man whom authorities say caused an alcohol-related wreck that killed a mother of two and the children's grandmother outside Charlotte has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and felony death by vehicle, police said Saturday. (1 day ago)

Gloucester Township man tried to set elderly mother, home on fire: police

Gloucester Township man tried to set elderly mother, home on fire: police

The 43-year-old man, who police found intoxicated in front of the home, is accused of dousing himself, his mother and another adult male with lighter fluid, as well as filling the home with natural gas. (13 hours ago)

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In 2013, nothing more important than protecting hopes for democracy

The world faces serious issues in 2013, including debt and climate change.?But nothing is more important to international stability and human progress than the aspirations of people upending authoritarian rule in pursuit of self-government. A look at three cases: Egypt, Myanmar, Malawi.

By Kurt Shillinger / December 31, 2012

An Egyptian woman holds a poster that says in Arabic, 'My Christian siblings, Happy New Year' in front of the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 31. Op-ed contributor Kurt Shillinger writes: 'The norms and practices of democracy...must be cultivated across society....Shortcuts don't pay off. Inclusiveness in building strong institutions and durable constitutions is vital to success.'

Amr Nabil/AP


Across the range of international concerns today the one common theme is urgency. Debt. Climate change. The spread of nuclear weapons. These are all serious issues requiring earnest, immediate responses. Yet nothing will be more important to international stability and human progress in 2013 than advancing the aspirations of people who are upending authoritarian rule in the pursuit of self-government and a fair shot at success.

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From the Middle East to Asia to Africa to Latin America, people of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds are agitating for change. Although democratization has been going on almost constantly since the end of the cold war, the stakes are different today for three reasons.

First, the greater Middle East is faced with burgeoning youth populations and complex regional tensions. Emerging democracies there have little margin for error.

Second, transnational terrorism and insurgency warfare have altered the security conditions in many of the places where democracy is budding ? endangering new freedoms and posing an international security threat.

Third, the past three decades of democratization have brought many valuable lessons, but they have also raised expectations.

People do not just wake up one morning as democrats. The norms and practices of democracy, the understanding of rights and how to both act on and protect them, must be cultivated across society.?That mainly involves the patient growing of trust between the governing and the governed ? a trust that's rooted in good democratic soil (a representative constitution, a free media, a fair court system, etc.) and watered with a continuous, wide stream of public input.

The unfolding experience in three countries ? Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), and Malawi ? highlights the importance, and difficulty, of getting the right mix of soil and water.

If the revolution falters in the Arab world's most populous country ? Egypt ? it may well be because of not enough public buy-in.

Emerging from six decades of authoritarian rule, the country quickly developed a lively discourse in the public square. But the constitutional process, culminating recently in a national referendum, was imbalanced toward the ruling party and its Islamist allies. The Supreme Administrative Court had dissolved the body charged with drafting the new national charter for being unrepresentative. When the panel was reconstituted, similar charges quickly emerged. The constitution passed the popular referendum with 64 percent in favor; but voter turnout was low, only 33 percent, and the run-up to the ballot was marked by boycotts and street protests.

A vital opportunity to engender credibility was needlessly jeopardized.

Myanmar, long one of the most sealed-off countries on earth, is making credible strides toward democracy after decades of harsh military rule. Celebrated opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was held under house arrest for 15 of the 20 years prior to her release in 2010, was elected to the national legislature last April. That election was monitored by foreign observers and media enjoying the freest access to the country in years.


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UN Envoy warns of mass death next year in Syria

The international envoy to Syria emphasized the deteriorating situation in the country, and called for a quick end to the conflict, warning hundreds of thousands could die next year.

By Bassem Mroue,?Associated Press / December 30, 2012

A child watches men dig graves for future casualties of Syria's civil conflict at Sheikh Saeed cemetery in Azaz city, north of Aleppo December 30. The international peace envoy for Syria said the situation in the country was deteriorating sharply but a solution was still possible under the terms of a peace plan agreed in Geneva in June.

Ahmed Jadallah/Reuters


The international envoy to?Syria?warned Sunday that as many as 100,000 could die in the next year if a way cannot be found quickly to end the country's civil war.

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Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N.-Arab League envoy for the Syrian crisis, told reporters in Cairo that if the crisis continues?Syria?will not be divided into states "like what happened in Yugoslavia" but will face "Somalization, which means warlords, and the Syrian people will be persecuted by those who control their fate."

Syrian rebels are fighting a 21-month-old revolt against President Bashar Assad's regime. Activists say more than 40,000 people have been killed in the crisis, which began with pro-democracy protests but has morphed into a civil war.

Since starting his job in September, Brahimi has sought to advance an international plan, reached in Geneva six months ago, that calls for an open-ended cease-fire between rebels and government troops and the formation of a transitional government to run the country until elections can be held.

Over the past week Brahimi went to Damascus where he met Assad then flew to Moscow, one of?Syria's?closest international allies, where he discussed ways of ending the country's crisis.

"The situation in?Syria?is bad. Very, very bad," Brahimi said after meeting Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby. "It is getting worse and therefore if nearly 50,000 were killed in nearly two years if, God forbids, this crisis continues for another year, it will not only kill 25,000. It will kill 100,000. The situation is deteriorating."

The monthly death toll in?Syria?rose over the past months, as both sides have used heavier weapons and as the Syrian army started using its warplanes to attack rebel-held areas around the country.

Brahimi said that peace and security in the world will be threatened directly from?Syria?if there is no solution within the next few months. "I warn of what will come. The choice is between a political solution or of full collapse of the Syrian state."


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Beidou's unique services attractive to Chinese companies

Although Beidou is a latecomer in the world's navigation market, Chinese companies have set their eyes on the unique services provided by the system.

Beidou's hybrid orbit increases the number of visible satellites, enhancing the stability of its navigation signal, Cao Jianlin, vice-minister of science and technology, said in an interview with China Daily.

Beidou also uses an all-direction and short-message communicating technique that other navigation systems do not have, he said.

Currently, there are four major navigation systems worldwide - China's Beidou, the Global Positioning System of the United States, Russia's Glonass and the European Union's Galileo. GPS completed its constellation of satellites in 1994, while Beidou just finished its network to provide services to the Asia-Pacific this year, and it plans to complete a global network by 2020.

"Beidou has its unique advantages designed for users. For example, the short-message communication technique can provide strong support to regions hit by natural disasters. So Beidou has better service capacities compared with the other three navigation systems," Cao said.

In May 2008, a devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan, Sichuan province, cutting off communication for tens of thousands people.

"Although the mobile signal was disconnected, we used Beidou's short-message function during the rescue," said Li Shiru, a marketing specialist at the Hwa Create Corp, a Beijing company that produces positioning chips and devices based on the Beidou system.

Rescue teams in Wenchuan were equipped with handheld terminals capable of sending or receiving 120 Chinese characters at one time to communicate with the rescue headquarters.

"Now we have updated the terminal in some ways - we made it more portable, installed all kinds of mobile phone functions, made it resistant to water and dust, and we now use the Android operating system," Li said.

"I think the device will find a large market among outdoor fans, because it brings technologies that were exclusive for military use to consumers."

Cao Hongjie, vice-president of UniStrong, a company focuses on Global Navigation Satellite System services, has found an even broader use for the short-message function.

"Beidou's short-message function can be used in many different industries," Cao said.

One example is the logistic system. Currently, few truck drivers use GPS because they are already familiar with the route.

"But with Beidou, the short message function and the position report function will enable logistic headquarters to see the drivers' location, and they can dispatch vehicles and drivers in a more efficient way," Cao said.

Cao said China's navigator producers have had concerns about the future of GPS in China.

"In the past, we have used the GPS service. Although the service is good, we have not risked developing chips based on GPS, because we do not know whether the US would suddenly shut down the service," Cao said, adding that the one-off investment for a company in developing a chip is considerable.

"But Beidou, China's homegrown navigation system, will eliminate our worry, and we will be happy to develop more services on this platform."

Wang Xiaodong contributed to this story.


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Djurisics career night leads Dogs past Florida AM

ATHENS -- Nemanja Djurisic scored a career-high 21 points and Georgia won its third straight Saturday 82-73 over Florida A&M.

For Georgia (5-7), Kentavious Caldwell-Pope scored 11 and Brandon Morris 10.

Florida A&M (4-8) was led by Muhammad Abdul-Aleem, who came off the bench to score 16 points and grab a game-high 11 rebounds. James Adams added 12 and Markee Teal 10.

Georgia led the entire game, mostly by double figures, but the Rattlers took advantage of a 7-minute cold spell by the Bulldogs in the second half to cut the deficit to six, 53-47, with 12:53 to play.

But Donte' Williams and Caldwell-Pope combined for three baskets in the paint to push the lead back to 59-47.

The Rattlers hit 7 of 15 3-point shots in the first half, but missed all 11 long-range shots in the second half. Florida A&M also struggled from the line, hitting 12 of 25 attempts.

The first half was a shooting clinic as both teams hit well from beyond the 3-point line. The Bulldogs made 7 of 11 from long range.

Florida A&M's problem, however, was that it had trouble shooting inside the arc. The Rattlers made 7 of 19 from inside the line, and five of those two-pointers came in the last 4 minutes of the half.

Georgia's Caldwell-Pope entered the game as the leading scorer in the Southeastern Conference, averaging 18.1 points per game. He was scoreless until he converted a breakaway opportunity with a slam dunk with 5:25 to go in the half.

Georgia scored the first eight points of the game. Back-to-back 3s by Florida A&M's Jamari Bradshaw closed the deficit to 17-15 with 11:27 to go in the half. But a 15-0 run by the Bulldogs pushed Georgia to a 42-24 lead, capped by Djurisic's 3-pointer with 4:06 to go before halftime.

Georgia led 49-36 at intermission.

The Bulldogs started slowly in the second half, scoring just one field goal in the first 7 minutes. The Rattlers got within six at 53-47 when Onyekachukwu Odi hit a pair of free throws with 12:53 to play.

Georgia responded with three baskets in the paint, a dunk by Williams, a follow by Caldwell-Pope and a layup by Williams to stretch the lead to 59-47.

Florida A&M made one last surge, cutting into the lead 78-71 with 42 seconds to go after a basket by Adams. The Rattlers forced a turnover on the inbounds play but another missed 3 ended the comeback attempt.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

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VMenu Aksi Geser Menu Ala Samsung Galaxy Dalam S60v5mu UCPlayer Movie Player Dengan Multi Format File Video FExplorer File Manager Alternatif Selain Xplore.


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Samsung To Release Black Galaxy Note 2?

Samsung's Galaxy Note 2 has turned out to be a success story for the company, adding to its growing wreath of laurels. Now, a leaked image of the Galaxy Note 2 in black has surfaced online, fueling rumors that Samsung is on song to release the phablet in this new hue.

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While black is often seen as the standard color option for most smartphones and tablets, Samsung is yet to take the classic color route for the Galaxy Note 2 and currently retails the device in only Pebble Blue and Titanium Gray options. However, per an Android Slash report, the Galaxy Note 2 could soon be available in black as a leaked photo of the smartphone in its black avatar has popped up online.

"Recently I wrote about regarding the Note II the colors which come to the market soon. Now a press photo from the Galaxy Note 2 will appear in black," noted?the site (translated).

The Galaxy Note 2 is one of the most popular smartphones available right now in the consumer market, and its popularity is evident from the fact that it notched up 5 million units in sales worldwide in just 60 days of its launch. With the introduction of another color option, Samsung could be looking at another sales bump.

Samsung already offers its best-selling Galaxy S3 in several hues, including Sapphire Black. Given the naming trend for its Galaxy portfolio of devices, the black version of the Galaxy Note 2 could get the same moniker.

In November, rumors were rife that Samsung would release its Galaxy Note 2 in more colors?in 2013; however, black wasn't mentioned as one of them - the speculated hues were said to be Amber Brown, Ruby Wine, and Topaz Blue.

Even though there's no official word from Samsung yet, it is possible that the black Galaxy Note 2 could make an appearance at the MWC 2013 in February. We'll just have to play the waiting game until the official announcement is made, unless Samsung decides to take the Galaxy S3 black?variant route and quietly puts up the pictures on its Facebook page.


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A Guide To Being The Best Magician

With so many magicians in the market, the need to be better than your competition is paramount. It is for this reason that many in the industry would like to have a guide to being the best magician. Just like in other sectors, there are many things that one needs to do to become the best. Many people looking for recognition must start by understanding the sector well enough.

Trying to be so many different things at ago is always a sure recipe for failure. If you want to become so successful in whatever sector, you must learn to concentrate on what you know best so that you do not get overburdened by unnecessary luggage. By paying serious attention to one particular section, you get an opportunity to do it perfectly.

There are so many things that one needs to do right in order to be a successful magician. You need to be as fresh as your first show every time you get on stage to perform. No one wants a magician who repeats the same trick all the time. If you fall in this category of boring performers, you certainly will not make it to the top performers list.

While many a magician is expected to keep the audience thrilled and excited, it is important to understand that some basic education on performance is very important. This is an art that many people simply do not understand very clearly. There are lots of intrigues that always bedevil this form of art and that is why it is important to understand how well to act when all eyes are on you.

There must be a blend of both magic and ordinary stage performance. If you know how to captivate a crowd, your performance will not matter much because it is all about performing arts. It is therefore advisable to start by looking for a college where you can get some information and education on how best top put up a performance. This should go a long way in enhancing your confidence while on stage.

Equipped with some education on performance art, you will not only be able to act certain tricks on people but will also understand how well to manage your shows and win more clients in the process. It is not the best performer who gets to become the greatest magician. Instead, well managed magician will much easily get the recognition as the best when comparisons are made.

Upon graduation, you will be able to know how to market your services and even promote your business using different methods. Marketing is a vital aspect of any business. As a result, no business can meet its target well enough without the proprietors investing some resources in marketing and awareness campaign.

Besides getting the all important education that will help you in managing your talent as a business, you also need to realize that your clients or audience need some action that can keep them excited about your performances. This will certainly keep you on top of your league.

Arren Weathers is an expert on magic. When considering the best magician, you have to lseriously look at Drew Thomas Magic . Drew Thomas was a finalist on America's Got Talent and showcased his talents in front of an audience of millions. That exposure opened the world to Drew Thomas Magic and his show. Click link to see Drew's magic videos.


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Senate leaders to make last-ditch "fiscal cliff" effort (reuters)

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Hybrid and electric car sales jump 73 percent in 2012

US sales of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric cars should reach 440,000 units in 2012 ? a 73% improvement over 2011 ? according to?market research firm Mintel.

By Richard Read,?Guest blogger / December 28, 2012

A row of 2010 Toyota Prius hybrid vehicles sit for sale in the car lot at the Toyota dealership in El Cajon, Calif., in this March 2010 file photo. Younger people are especially inclined to purchase hybrid and electric vehicles, Read writes.

Mike Blake/Reuters/File


Eco-minded shoppers have seen environmental issues take up more space in the news, and they've known that it was simply a matter of time before those concerns began affecting the sorts of vehicles we drive. Now, mainstream consumers are?beginning to see the light.?

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The website focuses on the auto industry?s future, the evolution of cars beyond fossil fuels, and the green movement's relevance to car shoppers today. For more stories on green cars, click here.

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The change hasn't come overnight. Though the first hybrids debuted in the late 1990s, it's taken the public a while to warm up to?green?vehicles. The delay can be attributed to the higher cost of those cars, fear of the technology, and dozens of other factors.

According to market research firm Mintel, however, a shift is underway. Mintel says that U.S. sales of?hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric cars should reach?440,000 units in 2012 -- a 73% improvement over 2011.?

That's in keeping with the strong sales figures we've noted here. Alternative-fuel vehicles are?flying off the lots, and even with?a dip in November sales, automakers stand to move 50,000 electric?cars?this year.?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

BC's York breaks NCAA hockey win record with 925

Story Published: Dec 29, 2012 at 8:01 PM MST

Story Updated: Dec 29, 2012 at 8:01 PM MST

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ? Boston College coach Jerry York became the NCAA hockey career victory leader Saturday, directing the top-ranked Eagles to a 5-3 win over Alabama-Huntsville on Saturday in the Mariucci Classic.

York has 925 victories in 41 seasons to move past former Michigan State coach Ron Mason for the record. In 19 seasons at Boston College, York is 458-223-61.

York began his career as a 26-year-old head coach at Clarkson in 1972, then took over for Mason at Bowling Green before heading to Boston College. He has won four national titles with the Eagles to go with one at Bowling Green.

Cam Spiro scored his first college goal 2:53 into the game, and the Bill Arnold and Danny Linell added goals for the Eagles in the opening period. Brendan Silk and Steven Whitney also scored for BC (12-2-1), and Parker Milner made 26 saves.

Jeff Vanderlugt and Craig Pierce scored for Alabama-Huntsville (3-15-1).


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2012: The Year in TV Moments

FOX, Dec. 16, 1:25 p.m. ET

Once upon a time there was a commercial for a phone I?ll never buy, advertising a technological frill I?d never use, implying a spice-up-the-relationship trick that I would not recommend, that was nonetheless the sexiest thing I?d seen on TV in quite some time. I?m speaking, of course, of the ad in which a wife sends her husband off on a business trip with a racy video, beamed directly into his Samsung phone via X-ray technology or whatever, with the sly admonition, ?Probably shouldn?t watch it on the plane.?*

Needless to say, this ad is silly. If there is anything we have learned from the travails of Hulk Hogan, it is that if a video of anyone doing anything sort of sexual exists on a Wi-Fi-enabled device, that video will somehow make its way to the Internet in the way that an air bubble trapped underwater will, eventually, make its way to the surface. This husband and loving father, who seems so cute and beardy and clueless, will, in the rush to make his plane, leave his phone in the cab. Nefarious elements will find the phone. Within days, his mother-in-law will be asked at book club: ?Was that your darling daughter I saw on YouPorn? ?

But it doesn?t matter. For in that moment, as the wife gives that little waggle of her eyebrows, the husband all at once realizes what she?s saying, and she gives a chipper wave and a ?Say bye to Daddy!?; they are the very picture of modern, technologically enhanced marital bliss. They are sexy and adorable. I would do anything to be like them (but I wouldn?t do that) (if by do that you mean buy a Samsung phone).

And then anyway, in the first quarter of Dec. 16?s early NFL games, Samsung ruined it by unveiling the ad?s follow-up?a shot-for-shot remake, like Gus Van Sant?s Psycho, with Santa and Mrs. Claus in place of the couple, and two elves in place of the kids. I love this ad even more than the previous one?not just because of general senior sex-positivity, but because it is so clearly the act of a company and an agency taking it juuuuuuust one step too far. It was such an obviously bad idea, but they did it anyway. The best thing about television in 2012 was that there were hundreds of channels, and they all had 525,600 minutes of airtime to fill this year, which means that just as there were times that everything went right, there were also plenty of chances for everything to go wrong.

Correction, Dec. 28 2012: This article initially punctuated the sexy wife's punchline with an exclamation point. She doesn't exclaim; she admonishes slyly. (Return.)


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Port strike averted in eastern US, for now. Is labor starting to claw back?

Eastern port operators and longshoremen agreed Friday on a royalties package, extending contract negotiations 30 days. The strike threat at ports signals that labor is ready to fight for its life, experts say.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff writer / December 28, 2012

A truck driver watches as a freight container is lowered onto a tractor trailer by a container crane at the Port of Boston in December.

Steven Senne/AP/File


Port operators and Eastern longshoremen agreed Friday to avoid a potentially crippling strike set for Sunday at 14 major US ports, at least for now. Negotiators refused to release details of the deal, but labor experts suggest the daring strike threat by dockworkers is indicative of a broader gambit by a besieged labor movement to claw back some power amid a strengthening US economy.

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The agreement over so-called ?container royalties? worth up to $15,000 a year for an average longshoreman does not fully resolve the dispute, but is part of a 30-day contract negotiation extension agreed upon by the International Longshoremen?s Association and the US Maritime Alliance, which represents shipping companies and ports.

?The container royalty payment issue has been agreed upon in principle by the parties, subject to achieving an overall collective bargaining agreement,? said George Cohen, director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

While federal mediators refused to disclose the agreement and said ?significant issues remain in contention,? Mr. Cohen said what he can report ?is that the agreement on this important subject represents a major positive step toward achieving an overall ? agreement.?

With Washington frantically trying to stave off a national ?fiscal cliff? of tax increases and automatic budget cuts, the already wobbling US economy likely would have teetered further if the 14,500 longshoremen had walked off docks from New York to Houston on Sunday. The workers handle 40 percent of US container traffic ? about 100 million tons a year ? and a strike could have cost $1 billion a day by blocking what is, in effect, the lifeblood of the US marketplace.

The situation had become serious enough for state leaders, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott, to call on President Obama to invoke the Taft-Hartley Act, a federal labor law used by President George W. Bush to end a 10-day, 29-port lockout on the West Coast in 2002.

The gritty longshoremen, meanwhile, are uniquely situated to push their agenda, even at the risk of losing public and political support, labor experts say. While relatively small, the longshoremen?s union historically has been aggressive in protecting its workers? benefits, and its members? central role to the US economy makes the union a particularly tough negotiator.

The strike reprieve was in part achieved with the help of federal negotiators dispatched by Mr. Obama, who owes much of his political success to unions but who has been wary of pursuing pro-union legislation that could negatively impact the soft economy.


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Stocks fall again with 'fiscal cliff' closing in

Stocks?tumbled for a fifth day as a 'fiscal cliff' deal goes unfulfilled in Washington.?Despite the fiscal gridlock in Washington, major stock indexes are holding on to gains for the year.

By Steve Rothwell,?AP Business Writer / December 28, 2012

A trader works on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange in New York, Friday.. Stocks dropped Friday, for a fifth day, on concern that Washington lawmakers will fail to reach a budget deal before a year-end deadline.

Seth Wenig/AP


Stocks?fell for a fifth day on concern that Washington lawmakers will fail to reach a budget deal before a self-imposed year-end deadline.

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The five-day losing streak for the Dow Jones industrial average was the longest since July.

The Dow dropped 158.20 points, or 1.2 percent, to 12,938.11 points, with losses accelerating in the last 20 minutes of trading as reports circulated that President Barack Obama would not be making a new budget proposal in a meeting with congressional leaders.

The Standard & Poor 500 index fell 15.67 points, or 1.1 percent, to 1,402.43, its longest losing streak in three months, and the Nasdaq dropped 25.59 points, or 0.9 percent, to 2,960.31.

"The reality, late in the day, is that a deal is just not going to get done," said Ryan Detrick, a senior technical strategist at Schaeffer Investment Research. "We could be greeted by a big sell-off at the start of January."

President Barack Obama returned from a Christmas break in Hawaii to meet with congressional leaders at the White House to try thrash out the terms of a deal that would prevent across-the-board tax increases for millions of Americans as well as simultaneous government spending cuts beginning Jan. 1. Those measures, if implemented, could push the economy back into recession, economists say.

Stocks?closed lower Thursday but erased most of an early loss after Republicans said they would reconvene the House of Representatives Sunday in hopes of piecing together a last-minute budget deal.

Traders have been focusing on Washington, and the budget negotiations, since the Nov. 6 presidential election returned a divided government to power.

"I can't wait till this is done, so we can start talking about markets again and not just about politics," said Doug Cote, chief market strategist at ING Investment Management. Cote doesn't expect lawmakers will manage to reach a deal before the deadline and says that when people assess the extent of tax increases on the way, "the market is going reel."

Cote also expects slowing earnings growth to hit?stocks.

Despite the fiscal gridlock in Washington, major?stock?indexes are holding on to gains for the year. The Dow is up 5.9 percent, the S&P 500 index is 11.5 percent higher and the Nasdaq is up 13.6 percent.

Stocks?rose in 2012 on optimism that a housing market recovery, coupled with an improving job market, will support economic growth. The Federal Reserve has also extended its bond purchasing program, which is intended to lower borrowing costs and encourage spending and investment.

Stocks?declined despite reports that suggested the outlook for the economy is improving.

A measure of Americans who signed contracts to buy homes increased last month to its highest level in two and a half years, the latest sign of improvement in the once-battered housing market. The National Association of Realtors said Friday that its seasonally adjusted pending home sales index rose to its highest since April 2010.

The Institute of Supply Management's Chicago-area purchasing managers index for December came in at 51.6, beating estimates for a gain to 51.

Bond prices rose as investors moved money into defensive investments. The yield on the benchmark rise 10-year Treasury note, which falls when bond prices rise, dropped to 1.70 percent from 1.75 percent late Thursday.

Among?stocks?making moves:

Hewlett-Packard fell 36 cents, or 2.6 percent, to $13.68 after the computer and printer maker said the Department of Justice is investigating H-P's business software unit Autonomy. H-P bought Autonomy for $10 billion in 2011 and has accused the company's former management of fudging its accounting before the acquisition. H-P has lost almost half its market value this year, making it the biggest decliner among the 30stocks?in the Dow average.

Barnes and Noble rose 62 cents, or 4.3 percent, to $14.97 after the U.K. publishing and education company Pearson said it is making an $89.5 million investment in the company's Nook Media division, as the two companies look to make a bigger digital push into the education sector.


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Strike likely averted at East Coast ports

FILE - In this Dec. 18, 2012 file photo, a truck driver watches as a freight container, right, is lowered onto a tractor trailer by a container crane at the Port of Boston in Boston. The crane and a reach stacker, left, are operated by longshoremen at the port. The longshoremen's union may strike if they are unable to reach an agreement on their contract, which expires Dec. 29, 2012. A walkout by dock workers represented by the International Longshoremen?s Association would bring commerce to a near halt at ports from Boston to Houston. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

FILE - In this Dec. 18, 2012 file photo, a truck driver watches as a freight container, right, is lowered onto a tractor trailer by a container crane at the Port of Boston in Boston. The crane and a reach stacker, left, are operated by longshoremen at the port. The longshoremen's union may strike if they are unable to reach an agreement on their contract, which expires Dec. 29, 2012. A walkout by dock workers represented by the International Longshoremen?s Association would bring commerce to a near halt at ports from Boston to Houston. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

(AP) ? The union for longshoremen along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico has agreed to extend its contract for 30 days, averting a possible strike that could have crippled operations at ports that handle about 40 percent of all U.S. container cargo, a federal mediator announced Friday.

The extension came after the union and an alliance of port operators and shipping lines resolved one of the stickier points in their months-long contract negotiations, involving royalty payments to the longshoremen for each container they unload.

Negotiations will continue until at least midnight Jan. 28. Some important contract issues remain to be resolved, but the head of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, George Cohen, said the agreement on royalties was "a major positive step forward."

"While some significant issues remain in contention, I am cautiously optimistic that they can be resolved in the upcoming 30-day extension period," he said.

The terms of the royalty agreement were not announced.

The master contract between the International Longshoremen's Association and the U.S. Maritime Alliance originally expired in September. The two sides agreed to extend it once before, for 90 days, but it had been set to expire again at 12:01 a.m. Sunday.

As recently as Dec. 19, the president of the longshoremen, Harold Daggett, had said a strike was expected.

A work stoppage would have idled shipments of a vast number of consumer products, from electronics to clothing, and kept U.S. manufacturers from getting parts and raw materials delivered easily.

Business groups expressed relief that the two sides had agreed to keep the ports open.

"A coast-wide port shutdown is not an option. It would have severe economic ramifications for the local, national and even global economies and wreak havoc on the supply chain," said National Retail Federation President Matthew Shay.

Major ports that would have been frozen included the massive terminals serving New York City overseen by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and critical seaports in Savannah, Ga., Houston, and Hampton Roads, Va.

New York Shipping Association President Joseph Curto said avoiding a strike is critical "to thousands of workers who depend on port activities for their livelihood."

Other ports that would have been affected by a strike are in Boston; the Philadelphia area; Baltimore; Wilmington, N.C.; Charleston, S.C.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Port Everglades, Fla.; Miami; Tampa, Fla.; Mobile, Ala.; and New Orleans.

Longshoremen on the West Coast have a separate collective bargaining agreement.

Associated Press


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Auto sales look good for '13, but for the 'cliff'

6 hrs.

It?s been a disappointing holiday season for many?retailers, but U.S. car dealers have been busily ringing up sales?as the year wraps up.

If preliminary numbers for December hold up, 2012 could prove to be the industry?s best year since the long recession and painfully weak recovery began. And 2013 is?shaping up to be even better ? unless auto sales fall off the fiscal cliff. ?

?I clearly hope we get some bipartisan effort to avoid the fiscal cliff,? said Ford Motor Co. Chairman Bill Ford Jr. ?It?s vitally important for the economy that we work this out.?

That's true for the auto industry, in particular. After nearly half a decade of struggles, carmakers are ending 2012 on a positive note. November saw demand for new cars, trucks and crossovers surge at a double-digit pace. In fact, a number of makers including Audi, BMW, Honda, Nissan and Porsche are setting all-time sales records for the month. By the end of November, Hyundai had already beaten its previous full-year record set in 2011.

December, meanwhile, is expected to see another gain of around 15 percent, year-over-year, according to a forecast by LMC Automotive. The consulting firm has now upped its final forecast for all of 2012 to 14.5 million and conservatively anticipates another comfortable jump next year.

?The U.S. light-vehicle sales market continues to be a bright spot in the tremulous global environment,? said Jeff Schuster, LMC?s senior vice president of forecasting.? ?The only major roadblock ahead for the U.S. market is the fiscal cliff. Assuming that hurdle is cleared, 2013 is one step closer to a stable and sustainable growth rate for autos, with volume above the 15 million unit mark.?

Barring that setback, analysts anticipate a steady shift in the sort of vehicles Americans have been buying.?

The upcoming North American International Auto Show will feature an assortment of new products, and the debut of the all-new 2014 Chevrolet Corvette and Chevy?s next-generation Silverado pickup are likely to be two of the star attractions. But the floor of Detroit?s Cobo Center will be covered with a variety of downsized models, including Honda?s pint-sized Urban SUV Concept and the new Lincoln MKC compact luxury crossover.

Ford's?B- and C-segment models ? subcompacts like the updated 2013 Fiesta and compacts???have jumped from 13 percent?of the overall U.S. market to 24 percent since 2004, according to Mark Fields,?Ford?s chief operating officer.?And the trend is expected to continue at an even faster pace going forward.

If anything, Americans are downsizing powertrains at an even more rapid rate, trading in V-6s for inline-fours and even abandoning traditional V-8s for high-tech turbo V-6s. Six-cylinder engines now account for more than half of the demand in Ford?s big F-Series pickups, Fields said.

While demand for smaller models is soaring, sales of some traditional American vehicles have remained strong ? pickups in particular. Credit the strong upturn in the housing market in recent months, said Mark Reuss, president of North American operations at General Motors.?

While the so-called ?personal use? segment has largely dried up, there?s significant pent-up demand among contractors and other professional for pickups and other full-size trucks, something Detroit?s Big Three hope to use to their advantage as they continue to hold off import competitors like Nissan and Toyota.

Pent-up demand is likely to float all boats, says analyst Joe Phillippi, from the largest to the smallest market segments. It helps, he adds, that automotive interest rates are at or near historic lows.

On the downside, makers have been cutting back incentives as demand outstrips supply, especially of more popular models like the Hyundai Elantra and the new Honda Accord. There are still bargains to be had on slower-selling models, but research by reveals that incentives have slipped to their lowest levels in several years even as transaction prices ? the price customers actually pay ? have risen to near-record levels.

And that is likely to translate into record industry earnings, at least in North America. Ironically, the market is running counter to trends in much of the rest of the world. European car sales have been in freefall all year, and without a clear resolution of the Continent?s economic crisis, few see any short-term solution.? Even China, which has seen annual growth rates approaching 100 percent over the past decade, has started to stumble.

So, makers from around the world are once again looking to the U.S. to carry the load. The good news is that ?the forecast ahead looks even better,? Toyota?s top U.S. executive, Jim Lentz, recently said, adding that ?analysts expect we will reach 16 million in just a few short years.?

That?s still well short of the U.S. all-time record of 17.5 million vehicles sold in 2005, but it?s still a welcome turnaround from the disastrous slump the industry has only just left behind.


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The Wing Fort House is located at 69 Spring Hill Road, East Sandwich, Massachusetts. Open Tuesday through Saturday from June 15 to September 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is a small admission fee. For off-season visits please call the Caretakers at (508) 833-1540. Cousins, if you ever have the opportunity, this is a "must do" visit. It is something you will never forget and something you will never tire of talking about.

The oldest house in New England owned and occupied continuously by the same family for over three centuries. Built in 1641.? In 1646 it became the home of Stephen Wing, one of the early settlers of Sandwich, son of the Reverend John Wing and Deborah Bachelor. Stephen?and his descendants occupied the house from then on, adding on as families grew and changing tastes dictated. Now restored, it is furnished almost entirely with Wing family antiques showing the different periods of its long history. The house is maintained by the Wing Family of America and open to the public.

?This house is a must see on my list of Historic Landmarks!


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Monkey see, monkey do: Visual feedback is necessary for imitating facial expressions

Dec. 27, 2012 ? Research using new technology shows that our ability to imitate facial expressions depends on learning that occurs through visual feedback.

Studies of the chameleon effect confirm what salespeople, tricksters, and Lotharios have long known: Imitating another person's postures and expressions is an important social lubricant.

But how do we learn to imitate with any accuracy when we can't see our own facial expressions and we can't feel the facial expressions of others?

Richard Cook of City University London, Alan Johnston of University College London, and Cecilia Heyes of the University of Oxford investigate possible mechanisms underlying our ability to imitate in two studies published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

In the first experiment, the researchers videotaped participants as they recited jokes and then asked them to imitate four randomly selected facial expressions from their videos. When they achieved what they perceived to be the target expression, the participants recorded the attempt with the click of a computer mouse.

A computer program evaluated the accuracy of participants' imitation attempts against a map of the target expression. In contrast to previous studies that relied on subjective assessments, this new technology allowed for automated and objective measurement of imitative accuracy.

In one experiment, the researchers found that participants who were able to see their imitation attempts through visual feedback improved over successive attempts. But participants who had to rely solely on proprioception -- sensing the relative position of their facial features -- got progressively worse.

These results are consistent with the associative sequence-learning model, which holds that our ability to imitate accurately depends on learned associations between what we see (in the mirror or through feedback from others) and what we feel.

Cook and colleagues conclude that contingent visual feedback may be a useful component of rehabilitation and skill-training programs that are designed to improve individuals' ability to imitate facial gestures.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Association for Psychological Science.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. R. Cook, A. Johnston, C. Heyes. Facial Self-Imitation: Objective Measurement Reveals No Improvement Without Visual Feedback. Psychological Science, 2012; DOI: 10.1177/0956797612452568

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Chris Matthews now the broadcaster that conservatives love to hate

NEW YORK, N.Y. - To his boss, Chris Matthews has become a statesman. His critics probably have other words.

The veteran MSNBC host raised his profile as much as any member of the television commentariat during the presidential campaign. His 5 p.m. "Hardball" show has seen viewership jump by 24 per cent this year from 2011, 17 per cent for the rerun two hours later.

Matthews symbolized MSNBC's growing comfort in being a liberal alternative to Fox News Channel. He engaged in an uncomfortable on-air confrontation with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, seemed nearly apoplectic when President Barack Obama flubbed his first debate and had to apologize for appearing grateful that Hurricane Sandy might have helped Obama's re-election effort.

With Keith Olbermann out of sight, Matthews essentially replaced him as the commentator that most annoyed conservative viewers.

"During the run-up to the Iraq War, he just became really, really partisan and became even more so when MSNBC decided to become the anti-Fox," said Geoff Dickens, who used to watch Matthews as a fan and now monitors him regularly as part of his job with the conservative Media Research Center.

Matthews is not afraid to say what he thinks. He's a former newspaper columnist and one-time aide to a 1980s era Democrat, House Speaker Tip O'Neill. He seriously considered running for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania a few years back, where he probably would have been asked repeatedly to explain why he voted for George W. Bush in 2000.

He's a motor-mouth infused with a love of politics that borders on the pathological.

"He's as good as he's ever been," said Phil Griffin, MSNBC president. "He's at a place in his life where he's really comfortable in his own skin. He's a statesman. He has so much knowledge and I think he understands it better. He's always been great, but I really think he's been at the peak of his game."

Iraq turned Matthews against Bush. He said war and peace, and civil rights, are the issues that drive him most and explain his enthusiasm for Obama.

Matthews seemed personally offended by efforts in individual states to tighten voter registration and identification laws. Republicans called it an attempt to curb voter fraud; Matthews said it was to suppress voters friendly to Obama. He said Republicans would use welfare and other issues to subtly appeal to white voters still uncomfortable with a black president.

"The number of African-Americans who have come up to me in the last three to six months has been unbelievable," Matthews said in a recent interview. "They come up, six inches from my face, and say 'thank you.' A lot of the times they say we can't do this like you do it. It's harder for them because it sounds like complaining." He's disappointed that more whites didn't express gratitude, too.

His repeated attention to the issue "irritates some people, because they can't stand being called bigoted. It drives them crazy. And I agree, it would drive me crazy."

The issue drove his confrontation with Prebius, which occurred on "Morning Joe" during the GOP convention. Matthews challenged Prebius about playing the "race card" during the campaign and for references to Obama's birth certificate. It devolved into a schoolyard insult match.

"He should have kept it together in terms of tone," Griffin said. "But in what was said, going back and forth, it was a legitimate point."

Prebius later called Matthews "the biggest jerk in the room." Matthews doesn't seem to have any regrets.

"I'd been talking like that for awhile," he said. "He didn't like it. I didn't expect he would. I felt that I had in my presence the guy who represented the party and it was an opportunity I shouldn't let pass. It's one of those moments in the campaign that's going to have endurance."

The one quote Republican critics repeatedly throw back at Matthews is when he reacted to an Obama speech in 2008 by saying "I felt this thrill going up my leg."

Matthews points out that he said something similar in 2004, after Obama addressed the Democratic national convention. Its frequent citation annoys Matthews, who knows it will never leave him, but probably also because he thinks people miss the point. He was speaking more about what Obama represented ? a black man seeking the highest office in a land with a troubled racial history ? than Obama himself.

It hasn't exempted himself from some high-level teasing, like when Obama appeared at the campaign's Al Smith dinner after the president's disastrous first debate.

"I particularly want to apologize to Chris Matthews," Obama said. "Four years ago I gave him a thrill up his leg. This time around, I gave him a stroke."

Matthews said "Hardball" has gotten a sharper focus. The editorial opinion has moved to the front of the show. Saying what he thinks isn't hard; Matthews' flirtation with running for the Senate ended in part because the need to adhere to party orthodoxy wouldn't mix with a man comfortable with voicing a dozen opinions per minute.

"I never want to do what everybody else is doing," he said. "I don't want to be part of the chorus."

Like most in his trade, Matthews seems a little lost with the end of a long campaign. He's done a few speculative 2016 stories, not recognizing the subject is enough to send most people screaming from the room.

Every day is one day closer to another election, though.

"He is sort of the model figure for who we are," Griffin said. "He doesn't stick out loving politics and being passionate about politics. It comes across in everything we do ... And that's Chris."



EDITOR'S NOTE ? David Bauder can be reached at dbauder(at) and on Twitter (at)dbauder.


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Speedy boson machine could bridge classic and quantum computing

14 hrs.

A new type of machine could rival quantum computers in exceeding the power of classical computers, researchers say.

Quantum computers?rely on the bizarre properties of atoms and the other construction blocks of the universe. The world is a fuzzy place at its very smallest levels ? in this realm where?quantum physics?dominates, things can seemingly exist in two places at once or spin in opposite directions at the same time.

The new computers rely on "boson" particles, and resemble quantum computers, which differ from traditional computers in important ways. Normal computers represent data as ones and zeroes, binary digits known as bits that are expressed by flicking switch-like transistors on or off. Quantum computers, however, use quantum bits, or qubits (pronouced "cue-bits"), that can be on and off at the same time, a state known as "superposition."

This allows the machines to carry out two calculations simultaneously. Quantum physics permits such behavior because it allows for particles that can exist in two places at once or spin in opposite directions at the same time.?[Experiment Demonstrates Possibility of Quantum Internet]

Flash interactive: How quantum computers work

In principle, quantum computers could solve certain problems much faster than can?classical computers, because the quantum machines could run through every possible combination at once. A quantum computer with 300 qubits could run more calculations in an instant than there are atoms in the universe.

However, keeping qubits in superposition is challenging, and the problem grows more difficult as more qubits are involved. As such, building quantum computers that are more powerful than classical computers has proven very difficult.

Now, though, two independent teams of scientists have built a novel kind of device known as a boson-sampling computer. Described as a bridge between classical and quantum computers, these machines also make use of the bizarre nature of quantum physics. Although boson-sampling computers theoretically offer less power than quantum computers are capable of producing, the machines should still, in principle, out-perform classical computers in certain problems.

In addition, a boson-sampling computer does not require qubits. As such, "it's technologically far simpler to create than building a full-scale quantum computer," said researcher Matthew Broome, a quantum physicist at the University of Queensland in Australia.

Boson-sampling computers are actually a specialized kind of quantum computer (which is known more formally as a universal quantum computer).

"The main difference between boson-sampling computers and universal quantum computers is that boson-sampling quantum computers can't solve a universal set of problems like universal quantum computers can," Broome said. "But they are still conjectured to be able to solve problems that would be massively intractable for classical computers. Boson sampling computers are an intermediate model of a quantum computer."

Boson-sampling computers are not based on qubits, but on particles called?bosons. "In our case, we use photons," said researcher Ian Walmsley, a quantum physicist at the University of Oxford in England. Photons are the packets of energy that make up light, and are one type of boson.

Gallery: What the heck is a boson?

Broome and Walmsley were in separate groups that each devised a boson-sampling computer, based off concepts first described by theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson at MIT. The computers involve multiple devices that can each generate single photons. The photons are inserted into a network where they can interact with one another. They emerge from outputs equipped with sensors to analyze the particles.

The task of calculating which outputs these photons will emerge from, an operation known as boson sampling, grows well beyond the capabilities of classical computers the more photons are involved. The new computers accurately resolved what paths the photons would take ? three photons with Broome and his colleagues' machine and four in Walmsley and his collaborators' device.

Since boson-sampling computing is in its infancy, it remains uncertain whether these computers can solve problems beyond boson sampling. Still, this research suggests that computers based on quantum physics could indeed tackle problems beyond the reach of classical computers.

Year in Science: Higgs boson takes the prize

Previously, there was nothing to say "that anything you can do on a quantum computer you can't do on a normal computer, which leaves in question the necessity for quantum computers," Broome said. "Now, with boson sampling, we're coming up with machines based on quantum physics that can attack problems strongly believed to be intractable for classical computers."

In the future, "it would be great to push these computers toward more photons to tackle problems that would be challenging to simulate on normal computers," study coauthor Walmsley added. Using about 20 to 30 photons would?be a problem?beyond the capabilities of classical computers.

Both research teams detailed their findings online Dec. 20 in the journal Science.

Copyright 2012?InnovationNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Peru's mysterious Nazca Lines form a labyrinth

Some of the Nazca Lines, mysterious geoglyphs that span a vast swath of the rugged Peruvian desert, may have once been a labyrinth with a spiritual purpose, a new study suggests.

The new insight, published in the December issue of the journal Antiquity, came because two archaeologists decided to use a decidedly low-tech method to understand the sand drawing's ancient secrets: by walking it.

At the time the Nazca Lines, which span 85 square miles (220 square kilometers), were drawn, "people were not looking at this stuff from the air, they were looking at stuff from the ground level," said Timothy Ingold, a cultural anthropologist at the University of Aberdeen, who was not involved in the study. "To appreciate what they might have meant to ordinary people, then you have to walk them."

While that seems like an obvious first step, in actuality, very few archaeologists have studied the Nazca Lines from that vantage point, because most of the pictures drawn out by the lines are only visible from foothills above or from space. ['Nazca Lines': Aerial Photos Reveal Mysterious Stone Structures]

The Nazca Lines have been a mystery since they were first discovered in the 1920s by Peruvian archaeologist Toribio Mej?a Xesspe. Long-forgotten people from the Nasca culture created the drawings between 200 B.C. and A.D. 500 by brushing away the dark top layer of barren desert to reveal the light, sandy soil underneath, wrote Clive Ruggles, an archaeologist from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, in an email. The dry, windless climate has preserved most of the carvings ? hundreds of depictions of animal shapes such as jaguars and monkeys, as well as geometric designs ? to this day.

But just why ancient people created the Nazca Lines has been an enduring mystery: Some archaeologists have suggested it was an alien landing strip, a primitive sun calendar, or an irrigation system.

"There is no simple answer. Different geoglyphs were clearly created over a significant period of time and almost certainly had a variety of meanings and purposes," Ruggles wrote.

Concerns about degradation of the mysterious geoglyphs prevented most traffic through the region since the 1990s. But when Ruggles and Aberdeen colleague Nicholas Saunders came upon a previously undiscovered set of lines north of the Nazca desert in 1984, they wondered whether the geoglyphs might reveal their secrets from a more terrestrial point of view.

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    4. Peru's mysterious Nazca Lines form a labyrinth

Starting in 2007, Ruggles and Saunders spent 150 days walking 932 miles (1,500 kilometers) of the ancient carvings. They found the newly uncovered geoglyph was a single line that radiated out in a mystifying, confusing pattern, with a series of sharp, disorienting turns leading up to a mound whose purpose remains unknown. What's more, the meandering line was in pristine condition, leading the archaeologists to conclude that the paths that were carved out were rarely, if ever, used.

Many labyrinths have a spiritual purpose, so one possibility is that the paths weren't walked at all, but instead were intended for the passage of gods or spirits, Ruggles wrote. For instance, in the 5th century B.C. Herodotus mentions a vast Egyptian labyrinth that served as a mortuary temple, while the Hopi indians saw labyrinths as symbols of Mother Earth.

The researchers note this is still just speculation, Ingold told LiveScience.

"We still have absolutely no idea what these people were doing or what the point of it was," Ingold said.

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Self improvement is very subjective, but each individual can arm themselves with the most information available. If you want to grow and be a better person, start with learning and applying that knowledge to your life as often as possible.

One of the most basic requirements for your effective personal development is to willingly choose to change who you are. If we want to grow or change, we have to accept and choose the change.

People who are looking for self improvement methods often make the mistake of setting goals that are too vague or too hard to target. Make a specific goal for yourself. When you have specific goals set, you will find that you get results.

You will be healthier and you will go further than you ever thought possible. Being in a good state of health makes anyone feel better. You will feel stronger and have more control over your time and money since you won?t have as many medical expenses. Place a priority on having good health.

TIP! Exercise should be a part of everyone?s routine. There are lots of good, healthy reasons for exercising.

Write a pep talk to yourself. Get a postcard and fill it with positives about yourself, your personality and your accomplishments. You can take this with you wherever you go, and review it when you want motivation. Even better, read it aloud on video and watch the video often. What good would this do?

Be pleased about all that you can do well instead of focusing on what you cannot do. Everybody has unique skills, and it?s those skills that make our world diverse and an excellent planet to live on. Rather than worrying about the skills you don?t have, concentrate instead on the skills you do possess, and the success you can achieve with them.

Try to make the most out the time you are working. One trick to doing this, is to take more breaks. It can seem like the opposite would be true, but taking mini breaks frequently will allow you to feel less bored, and get more done during the times you are working.

You must understand that a divide exists between where you currently are, and the place you would like to go. This attitude will help you get started on your journey to improve yourself. Without a clear understanding of exactly where you need to go, the process of achieving your personal development goals will be long and frustrating.

TIP! Failure at some task can seem like a devastating injury to your self confidence. It is just a learning experience along your path! Failure helps you figure out what you are good at and what needs improvement.

Go to the movies with a friend to help overcome anxiety. Movies are wonderful ways to socialize without feeling like you have to carry on a conversation. It will help you get used to the social scene.

Are you having trouble meeting someone that you can love and call your own? Try the world wide web. Almost half of all couples meet online. Your special someone could be looking for you right now. Each has its good and bad points.

Learning to react selflessly is a sign of progress in the path of personal development. Your inner character will benefit greatly from helping others, and making sacrifices to do it. When you can decide to make a sacrifice that will help another person, and it doesn?t end up jeopardizing your well being, then you will become the person you?ve been searching for.

You should work on ensuring that each day is an improvement over the previous one. Push yourself to achieve growth that is constant and unwavering. Try and improve yourself daily.

TIP! Use your core principals to your advantage. Everyone has certain beliefs that reinforce their sense of self at the core.

Regardless of your surroundings, you should be ready to record ideas when they come to mind. Carry a journal or diary with you, everywhere you go. Just write down what their idea or thought is and then develop it more when you have the time and are feeling creative.

In this article, we have provided some valuable tips. Implement them into your daily life and your personal growth journey will be a fulfilling one. Always keep your eyes peeled for new ideas that will help you grow into a better person who is more productive and relaxed.

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Have an empowering day!

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